Anticipation Day by Jeff MichelsenA boundary-pushing plunge into a vividly imagined future, Anticipation Day by Jeff Michelsen poses powerful questions about identity, the human experience, and our digital destiny as a species. Extrapolating real-world advancements in artificial intelligence and computing power, this novel proposes a world with an annual day of escape for every eligible American – a chance to visit any time or place imaginable through a hyper-real simulation. However, as early adopters of this revolutionary program, the protagonists quickly discover that tricking the brain and distorting reality comes at a disturbingly high cost, resulting in a provocative mixture of Black Mirror and The Surge. Though the meticulously outlined plot is occasionally slowed by detail, this near-future novel holds a broad and timely appeal, given our increasing immersion in digital technology, which feels distressingly prescient even with the far-flung premise.