
About IRB Staff

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So far IRB Staff has created 43 blog entries.

The Electric Jesus

Somewhere in the deepest level of Hell there is an infernal machine churning out positive affirmations, uplifting sentences, wise sayings and motivational outpourings. Serried ranks of demons then attach them to various images rendered at 72 dots per inch, including, but [...]

2019-04-27T23:02:11+02:00Categories: Shorts|Tags: |

Trip by Tao Lin

Tao Lin is either a complete genius or a complete sham. Having spent a few hours looking at videos on YouTube of him presenting his childlike scribbles to a roomful of New York's finest literati -- who chuckle along not sure [...]

2019-05-11T08:54:21+02:00Categories: Reviewer Picks|Tags: |
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