
About IRB Staff

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So far IRB Staff has created 49 blog entries.

Lanny by Max Porter

A surprisingly English book. Lanny is the unusual boy who lives with his parents in the village. But Dead Papa Toothwart, a shapeshifting ancient woodland spirit watches the boy, and the village. This book almost shouldn't be reviewed, and I myself [...]

2019-05-11T08:53:40+02:00Categories: Reviewer Picks|Tags: |

Paradise by AL Kennedy

Paradise is the confessional of Hannah, an alcoholic whose time-slips and blackouts have made her job as a fruit box saleswoman impossible. She loses her company car and job, and sets about getting drunk yet again. The book opens with Hannah [...]

2019-05-11T08:48:10+02:00Categories: Classic Books|Tags: |

Eileen by Ottessa Moshfegh

Eileen relates her young life from fifty years ago. By the fifth page, Eileen is a confidante – but her memories are not trustworthy. Eileen’s story builds a picture towards something terrible, as she describes her suffocating near-sexual co-habitation with her [...]

2019-05-11T08:54:03+02:00Categories: Latest Books|Tags: |
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