In Brief

Apothecary by Josh Long

An inimitably strange plunge into the lives of an odd quartet in Nashville, Apothecary: A Tale of Two Cities (Mas o Menos) by Josh Long is genre-bending, baffling, and refreshingly original. Breaking traditional literary rules, as well as the fourth wall, [...]

2023-05-30T14:39:46+02:00Categories: In Brief|

Nowhere to Hide by Neil Turner

The cruelty of fate clashes with the power of resilience in Nowhere to Hide by Neil Turner, the latest gripping read in the Tony Valenti Mystery series. The relationships between Kevin, Pat, and Tony are crafted beautifully, while the antagonists of [...]

2023-05-25T12:20:48+02:00Categories: In Brief|

The Last Disciple by Kurt Brouwer

The Last Disciple: Crisis in Jerusalem by Kurt Brouwer is an ambitious work of Christian historical fiction, outlining the years after the crucifixion and resurrection, as John is tasked with protecting Mary and spreading the good word, opening himself up to [...]

2023-05-24T15:26:31+02:00Categories: In Brief|

Time for PsyQ by Marti Ward

A middle grade adventure with an original twist and a cast of endearing young heroes, Time for PsyQ by Marti Ward is a phenomenally fun read. Certain schoolchildren who live near the Large Hadron Collider develop psionic abilities, leading to some [...]

2023-05-05T10:53:32+02:00Categories: In Brief|

Cobra Pose by Susan Rogers and John Roosen

A romance-fueled family drama that spirals quickly into the realm of international thriller, Cobra Pose by Susan Rogers and John Roosen is a relentlessly entertaining installment of the Yoga Mat Mysteries series. Ric and Elaina investigate a scheme to destabilize and [...]

2023-04-06T08:42:39+02:00Categories: In Brief|

Forger by Mark Spivak

A personality-shifting masterwork from Mark Spivak, Forger is a thrilling mystery of psychological divides, reuniting identities, cold-blooded murder, and the flexible notion of innocence. A fearless psychologist with a fresh practice becomes entangled in the complex life of Lester Gordon, unless [...]

2023-04-03T09:05:03+02:00Categories: In Brief|

Minion or Master III by Martin Smith

Adding another jet-setting and thrill-heavy installment to his geopolitical saga, author Martin Smith drops an exotic bomb with Minion or Master III. Escaping a wild year on the other side of the world, George Howden finds himself on new business in [...]

2023-03-30T11:14:48+02:00Categories: In Brief|
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