Latest Books

Midsummer’s Bottom by Darren Dash

In a glade near Limerick, Ireland, a troupe of actors gather for their 20th anniversary production of Shakespeare’s “Midsummer Night’s Dream,” unaware of a plot by real Feyland fairies to sabotage the performance and end the production for good. Del and [...]

2019-05-17T15:15:32+02:00Categories: Latest Books|Tags: |

Broken Monarch by Tom Schneider

There are countless novels inspired by government conspiracy theories, and the most famous may be MK-Ultra, a CIA program that created highly trained sleeper agents. Tom Schneider, author of Broken Monarch, writes with the passion of a true believer as he [...]

2019-05-16T08:28:35+02:00Categories: Latest Books|Tags: |
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