Book Reviews

Guardians of the Ley Lines by Greg Maxfield

Logic clashes with legend in Guardians of the Ley Lines by Greg Maxfield, a thoughtful and entertaining supernatural thriller that challenges both ancient beliefs and the arrogance of modernity. A data-driven researcher is determined to disprove the existence of ley lines [...]

2024-08-16T20:06:25+02:00Categories: In Brief|

Part of a Greater Something by Lawrence Doochin

Refreshingly forthright in its professional and personal wisdom, Part of a Greater Something: Discover Your Purpose and Joy in Business and Professional Life by Lawrence Doochin is a contemporary guide for crafting a joy-driven and fulfilling life. The brief and compelling [...]

2024-08-01T18:42:10+02:00Categories: In Brief|

Choice or Chance by Abby Reilly

A locked-door murder mystery ensnaring an elite New England clan of property magnates, presumptive governors, and poorly buried secrets, Choice or Chance by Abby Reilly is an engrossing mixture of high-stakes family drama and cozy mystery. Behind the scenes of an [...]

2024-07-31T15:49:45+02:00Categories: In Brief|

Yellow Tape by Alicia Ellis

A sleuthing team of siblings must bury their bitterness to find the father they'd both left behind in Yellow Tape by Alicia Ellis, the first installment of the Gray Girls Mysteries series. A brutal murder unites the odd couple of Ivy [...]

2024-07-25T14:20:30+02:00Categories: In Brief|

Broken Pieces by Natalie Monique Rich

A tragic, empowering, and brutally honest work of autofiction, Broken Pieces by Natalie Monique Rich recounts the emotionally charged story of the author's hopes, homes, and heartbreaks. Condensing decades of life into a compelling novella, Rich recalls the rise and fall [...]

2024-07-24T13:51:50+02:00Categories: In Brief|

Then Came Four by Edward Izzi

Edward Izzi spins a shocking tale of injustice and racial reckoning in Then Came Four, a fictional crime thriller that provides a graphic snapshot of systemic injustice, which could have been pulled from today's headlines. At times stomach-turning in its unvarnished [...]

2024-06-25T17:23:49+02:00Categories: Latest Books|Tags: |

The Heron Legacy by Leona Francombe

A mesmerizing piece of historical and legend-filled fantasy, The Heron Legacy by Leona Francombe is a complex and genre-blending work of literary suspense. Charles de la Fontaine inherits more than his family's ancestral home upon the death of his noble father [...]

2024-06-17T16:25:12+02:00Categories: In Brief|

The Dreamer 4 by A.D. Plautz

A sudden terminal diagnosis leads to one man's inexplicable ability to embody another future in The Dreamer 4 by A.D. Plautz, a visionary work of contemporary fiction. When Bob Parker's persistent headaches turn out to be symptoms of a brain tumor, [...]

2024-06-13T08:54:01+02:00Categories: In Brief|
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