Book Reviews

SQL Quest by Neha Saini

A well-written and informative introduction to the world of SQL, or Structured Query Language, which is how computers and databases communicate with each other, SQL Quest: A Journey Through Data by Neha Saini is a comprehensive and easy-to-follow overview of a [...]

2023-10-19T16:17:59+02:00Categories: In Brief|

Ephus and the Praying Bushel by Robert Berry

Filled with valuable lessons on gratitude, mercy, forgiveness, generosity, and humility, Ephus and the Praying Bushel by Robert Berry is an informal gospel of a very different sort, which is an ideal entry point for children. From a clever thieving dog [...]

2023-10-18T17:21:58+02:00Categories: In Brief|

Not Yo Cheeze by Amy Winfield

A charming peek into the honorable lives of mice, Not Yo Cheeze by Amy Winfield is a thoroughly amusing tale of sticking up for friends and standing up to bullies. Two beleaguered cheesemongers struggle to keep up with their dishonest competitors, [...]

2023-10-02T12:25:41+02:00Categories: In Brief|

Revelation Questions Answered by Larry A. Heidelberg

A thought-provoking examination of one of the Bible's most contentious books, Revelation Questions Answered by Larry A. Heidelberg is an insightful and surprisingly comforting read, given the book's apocalyptic focus. With its riddle-like nature and ominous portents, the Book of Revelation [...]

2023-09-27T13:58:20+02:00Categories: In Brief|
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