Reviews in Brief

Reviews in Brief2023-02-03T14:50:50+02:00

SQL Quest by Neha Saini

SQL Quest by Neha SainiA well-written and informative introduction to the world of SQL, or Structured Query Language, which is how computers and databases communicate with each other, SQL Quest: A Journey Through Data by Neha Saini is a comprehensive and easy-to-follow overview of a complex topic. Aimed at young learners at least in its initial presentation, the book may be overly detailed for many young readers, but it is a perfect level for teenagers or adults looking to learn about the intricacies of computer science. Packed with imaginative examples, challenging exercises, and clear explanations, the book may not be wholly effective in its initial purpose as a children’s guide, but it is an expertly constructed and highly useful guide nonetheless.

Ephus and the Praying Bushel by Robert Berry

Ephus and the Praying Bushel by Robert BerryFilled with valuable lessons on gratitude, mercy, forgiveness, generosity, and humility, Ephus and the Praying Bushel by Robert Berry is an informal gospel of a very different sort, which is an ideal entry point for children. From a clever thieving dog and a reformed rich man to Jesus the Nazarene himself and a colorful cast of other biblically inspired characters, this is an accessible collection of short but interconnected tales of Ephus’ spiritual journey and the legendary story of the Easter miracle. A stellar introduction to the Easter story, which offers a more accessible introduction to parables and biblical lessons, this easy-to-read book is both inspirational and refreshing, using an endearing sense of humor to directly engage with modern readers.

The One Who’s Gonna See You Through by John Steven Welch

The One Who's Gonna See You Through by John Steven WelchA powerful work of autofiction told through the lens of a gay black man growing up in the United States, The One Who’s Gonna See You Through by John Steven Welch turns stereotypes upside down and offers a fresh tale of life in America. GJ’s father stands by him through thick and thin, while his mother is absent due to her drinking and lifestyle choices. As he grows up, GJ struggles with his sexuality and the chaotic world around him, only discovering later how strong of a support system his father was in his life. A story that is intensely personal while illuminating the struggles in larger communities, Welch’s novel shines a light on facets of the American experience that are too often misrepresented or ignored.

The One Who’s Gonna See You Through by John Steven Welch

The One Who's Gonna See You Through by John Steven WelchA searing portrait of GJ, a young black man growing up in a non-conventional household, The One Who’s Gonna See You Through by John Steven Welch is a unique sociological snapshot of the gay experience in America. GJ grows up in a strictly codified neighborhood where social status is clearly defined along lines of color, work, and behavior, while also trying to find his way in the insular black gay bar scene of his adolescence. The inhabitants in each of these communities are finely drawn with detailed observations, straddling the line between fiction and memoir with a compelling cast of characters. The effect is a zeitgeist captured through the lens of a young man exploring his burgeoning gay identity and learning how to navigate the wider class-driven world around him, resulting in a historical work that is also deeply insightful about contemporary life.

Psychosocial Political Dysfunction of the Republican Party by Dr. Daniel Brubaker

Psychosocial Political Dysfunction of the Republican Party by Dr. Daniel BrubakerA well-supported and timely critique of the modern GOP, Psychosocial Political Dysfunction of the Republican Party by Dr. Daniel Brubaker dissects the psychological, developmental, cultural, and interpersonal issues that have led to chaos in contemporary US politics. Applying a scientific and diagnostic lens, rather than making an ideological argument, the author assesses how things have gotten so bad, what truths have become negotiable, why nationalism is a dangerous lure, and where America’s political destiny is logically headed. Chilling in its ramifications, but revelatory in its multipronged analysis, this is a book every American should read, but especially those on the right of the political divide, as Brubaker’s analysis is tough, but insightful.

My Father Killed President John F. Kennedy by Bruce H. Bell

My Father Killed President John F. Kennedy by Bruce H. BellFar from a conspiracy theory-laced diatribe, My Father Killed President John F. Kennedy: A Memoir by Bruce H. Bell is a meticulously crafted revelation. Relentlessly revealing the players, motives, and methods of execution that resulted in the assassination of America’s 35th president, this memoir answers lingering questions with meticulously detailed research, partially written through the lens of his own jaw-dropping experience as a child. Though there are some moments of emotional detachment, given the subject, this is an undeniably compelling narrative that is wholly unique in JFK conspiracy literature. Despite a lifetime of struggle and residual trauma, as well as smear campaigns and reputational hitmen, Bell has finally completed this comprehensive account, which is essential reading for anyone interested in the subject.

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