The Man Who Buried Chickens by A.I. JohnsonA thought-provoking stew of odd tales and lingering lessons, The Man Who Buried Chickens (and Other Stories) by A.I. Johnson is a rewarding foray into the eccentric side of storytelling. From the horrific shock of being replaced in your own life to the madness brought on by a plumbing system with a penchant for psychological torture, these off-kilter stories play gracefully at the edge of the bizarre and inexplicable. Each story is fronted by distinct yet consistently neurotic narrators, and the vivid prose is grittily detailed, showcasing a talented pen gleefully fluctuating from satirical and clever to sinister and chilling. Taking subtle and profound jabs at social ills such as bigotry, dehumanization, untrustworthiness, inequality, extractive labor, and common indecency, this strange collection is in turns meaningful and perplexing, but always original.